Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

In Cococabana . . .

Just a quick update. All is well! I am feeling mostly better, although, the altitude still seems to make me ill here and there. Missed the bus to Cococabana yesterday so had to wait til today. Checked into a 2 star hotel, but had a fab view of a more local area. However, it was back to no heat and cold showers. Anyways, took advantage by going to a fun bar with a local pena band. Did a little horrible salsa and had a nice time.

Then, got the bus to Cococabana today. About 2 hours into the journey, we had to get off the bus and take a boat across a lake so that the bus could be faried across. It was very interesting. The drive was beautiful. Approaching the city, its all odd shaped green hills and huge lake. The bus comes into the city from above. And, we arrived just at sunset. It was the most beautiful that Ive ever seen. It was a rainbow of color - red, blue, purple, that went from light to dark shades against the valley of hills. The city is set in the middle of nowhere against a range of oddly shaped, pointy hills. With all the lights, it was amazing to approach.

The city itself kind of reminds me of San Pedro - very quaint and romantic, filled with services for backpackers, only more friendly, larger, and a little less rural. I have a feeling Im going to adore it in the day.

Anyways, I took a friends (Michael, the German from Salta) suggestion and stayed at one of the nicer places in town. Its a beautiful resort hotel on a hill overlooking the lake. Im being quite posh these days, but for 10 dollars, who can resist. And, the icing on the cake, my room is huge and beautiful and has heating and warm showers. Its lovely. I can only hope my honeymoon is so romantic.

Anyways, I think this is going to be a relaxing little vacation. Looking forward to exploring during the day.

All is well. Hope the same for everyone else. Ben, if you are reading, I hope your last days in Bs As are going well. Even though Im not there, Im thinking of you. Hugs.


At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.


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