Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Falling in Love WITH San Pedro . . .

Well, it seems that San Pedro is the place where couples who backpack together go. I am not exagerating when I say that 90 percent of the people traveling here are in couples. I have never, ever, ever seen so many couples traveling anywhere. Well, I can understand why. This place is the most naturally romantic place I´ve ever been. Well, I have no one to be in love with here. *Violins* But, that´s ok. I´m not too sad. The couples are friendly, and I´m enjoying everything anyways.

The city is really marvelous. It is seriously, ïn the middle of the desert.¨ There is one cash station in town and no way to get money besides exchanging other currency and traveller´s checks. Luckily, I was warned before I came. So, I should be ok with money. The town revolves around one long dusty street filled with somewhat shabby, dusty looking buildings containing all the services that backpacker´s looking to explore the area would need - hostels, tour agencies, restaurants, and small shops. People mill around the street day and night. And, there are dogs roaming everywhere. There is one pack of about 10 dogs that run back and forth growling at each other. Beyond that, there are a few hostels and services off the main street and of course the mountains in the backround. There´s also a little square with a couple restaurants and a really old church that has a roof made of cactus wood.

At night, the town really gets an eclectic feel. Lamp lights and those from shops and restaurants illuminate the street. Many restaurants are lit up with fires or candles. Mellow American-Europen or instrumental folk music is always in the air. And, best of all, even with the lights and activity, the stars are so bright above. It´s just beautiful and very romantic.

So, what have I been up to . . . Well, last night I went out for dinner and drinks with Michael and his friend Rapheal. We went to a great restaurant that had picnic type tables, and was open in the center so that you could see the stars. The best part was that in the center of the restaurant was a huge bon fire. The food was so good. And, after dinner, we had a drink around the fire. It was really nice.

Today, I got up and spent some time planning out the next couple of days. I met a nice German woman, Eva, at a tour agency and spent alot of the day with her. We walked around, checked out tours, shopped, and had lunch in the square. Then, we went together on a tour of Valle de la Luna (Valley of the Moon). It was so much fun! We went in a bus and stopped in a couple places with nice views. On our second stop, we actually got out and spent about an hour walking to different areas. It was all sandy, so the walking was a bit difficult. The views were sensational. The best part came when we got to walk-run-slide down the side of the sand hill. It was really high and looking at it you´d never think it was ok to do. But, we took off our shoes and down we went. The sand was cold and went up to my knees sometimes. It was probably about 10 minutes down. That´s how far it was. I loved it. Then, we went on to Moon Valley. It is named Moon Valley because the landscape resembles that of the moon. But, the really amazing part was the sunset. At sunset, the mountains changed colors. They went from dark red, to purple, to pink. It was really amazing. You had to see it to believe it.

Well, that was my day. I´m going to go have dinner with Eva at a place right next to our hostel. It is all lit up with candles and looks beautiful! And, it´s 2 for 1 drinks tonight. Which is a good thing, because this place is really really expensive. Then, tomorrow, I am getting up for a tour leaving at 4 a.m. to the gysers. They are supposed to be amazing and only active in the morning. It´s going to be terrible getting up! After that, I may try to do a short horse back ride in the country side. Then, at 7 p.m. I am going on a star gazing tour. I am so excited about that. My friend Michael said it was the favorite thing he did in San Pedro.

Then, Sunday morning, I am going to head to Bolivia on a 3 day tour through the Salt Flats. It is supposed to be an amazing trip and pretty much everyone who comes here heads to Bolivia that way. So far, it´s only myself and another couple signed up. I was a little nervous about that. But, they were actually on my Moon Valley tour. They were really cool, so I´m sure it will be cool even if it´s just us. But, more people will probably sign up tomorrow. But, most likely, they will probably be couples - since there are only couples and me here.

Anyways, that´s me in a nutshell. I really like the vibe here. I could see myself spending some real time here under the right circumstances.

Until tomorrow . . .


At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool! The little church, just off the square, is incedibly OLD, as I recall, with rafters made from cactus plants. Had some wonderful meals around town too.



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