Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Exploring Southern Salta . . .

Today I did a tour of Southern Salta. It didn´t go famously, but I don´t regret going. Last night before I booked the tour, I asked what other people were booked on the tour because with a small group, the people in the group can make or break the tour. The tour operator said that there would be two Australian guys and an Icelandic girl. So, I was excited to spend the day with some other backpackers. It turns out that it was me and two older ladies from Buenos Aires. Now, I have nothing against hanging with older people. But, it just wasn´t what I was expecting. And, as they only spoke Spanish and for some reason didn´t seem to understand my Spanish, I had a very quiet day. They were nice, but we just didn´t have much in common.

On top of that, I was really car sick for alot of the ride because we were going up winddy roads through the mountains. For about an hour it was really bad, and I had to keep my eyes closed. I actually made the guide pull over because I thought I was going to be sick. But, I wasn´t, and I felt a bit better after that. However, most of the tour involved driving through the mountains and stopping at various points. So, I remained slightly nausous all day and still am. On top of that, I had a headache from the altitude most of the day. So there was all that. And, at 9 a.m., I was a little miserable thinking that I had to spend all day in these conditions, but then we made our first stop . . .

We stopped at a place in the mountain where there was this huge cave type formation in the side. Something about approaching it just made me feel very small and in touch with the world. It just gave me this feeling of scerenity and excitement. Approaching it, you walked through a group of people selling things. The people here were different. They weren´t your typical townspeople. They were more like Latin American hippies - just very chill and artistic. All in all, with the huge cave, the people, and the mountains all around, it just created an almost mystical vibe for me. And, of course, I had to buy something from the hippies . . . I saw a necklace that I instantly fell in love with. It was a little expensive ($35 pesos - I´m getting so cheap!), but it was so beautiful and it just called my name. It´s silver and has pieces of white quartz and a pretty pendent made of the pink stone that is Argentina´s national stone. I really love it!

The next stop, which was just a bit down the road, was even better. It was the same deal. Hippies and a cave. However, this cave was twice as tall. And, there was a band playing very very mystical tunes with drums and whistley, flute type things inside the formation. The acustics were amazing. To me, the place had a magical vibe that inspired my imagination. I could have plopped down right there and done something creative for hours.

After the two caves, we stopped at various other places for picture opps. The mountains in the south were like the mountains in the north with crazy formations and a plethera of earth tones except that in many areas there were blankets of mossy greenery and no cactuses. One place had this valley and alot of greenery mixed in with the earthy mountains. There were different shapes of mountains surrounding the valley. For some reason, it made me think of the land before time. I will put up some pics when I can get a wireless connection for my lap top as I know my words cannot describe the beauty.

We were supposed to visit 3 vineyards in the afternoon. But, I don´t think that the ladies were really into it, so we only went to one. I would have been bummed usually as I am quite a fan of vino. But, as I was nausous and not really into drinking alone, I was ok with it. The wine that I tasted at the vineyard was good, but nothing special. However, I did meet some American girls. They were a bit older than me - maybe later 20s. They walked in, and started speaking Southern American English. And, after the last five hours with no one to talk to, I really just wanted to chat with them. I heard them talking about me. *pssss, psss, maybe she´s French, definitely not American.* I get German all the time, but no one has ever called me French. How romantic to be a French-German girl traveling around South America alone. Anyways, I couldn´t help myself and I went up and said hello. As it turns out, they work at the embassy in Buenos Aires and the one girl was really quick to exchange info and plan to do dinner in Buenos Aires. It was so nice. And, it will be great for me to hear more about working in the embassy.

After that, we went to Cafajate. We had two hours to do lunch and walk around. I didn´t really want to have lunch with the others, so I went off on my own and used the internet, had lunch, and shopped. It was a cute, sleepy little town. At 230, we headed back through the mountains, making a couple of stops, and were back in Salta at 530.

So, it wasn´t the ideal day, but I don´t regret it. Honestly, all the other tours I saw had older people on them. So, it really wouldn´t have mattered which I went on. And, it would have been hard to do all that alone.

So tonight . . . Well, I have to pack. My bus to Chile is at 7 am tomorrow. I had an email from my German friend who is there right now. He said to make sure to bring whatever money I needed as there are no ATMs or other way to get money in town. Tonight, I will probably walk around town for a bit, buy some food to make dinner, and then head back to the hostel for packing and an early night. There is another BBQ like the one I did on Saturday, but last time it didn´t even start until 11 p.m. So, I think I´ll just have a quiet, early one with a book in my private room. But then again, something always comes up when you´re traveling. So, we´ll see.

Off to Chile tomorrow!!! Nervous, but excited.

*P.S. Great News!!! I got my clothes from the other hostel last night. They were still in the cabinet that I left them in 3 days ago!!!*


At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your travels and what you are doing really sounds fun. I studied in Guadalajara a couple of years ago and it can be scary and fun. Seeing different cultures and having new experiences you'll always remember. I wish you well on your travels and learning Spanish. Buen suerte!


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