Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Hola everyone. Life is going well here. Have really been getting into things - my Spanish is really improving; I´m meeting lots of nice people at the residencia; and I´ve been out tons with lots of different friends (I actually even went out and had drinks with a couple Argentine guys who spoke very little English Tuesday night - which was fabulous for my Spanish and quite fun). Last night me and my gal pals got super dressed up and went all out - we started at 6 for Happy Hour and ended with a sunrise walk home from Plaza Cerrano. It was hell making it to school this morning, but I did, and as there were only 4 of us in class today, I had lots of opportunity to speak. I´m so glad I went. I´ve also been looking for options for the summer, and I think I might have some classes in Bs As set up. I need to do bit more research though. I´m off to Iguasu Falls with CEA this weekend. I´m really excited! It´s going to be a blast and so pretty! Taking yet another overnight bus there and then back in a plane on Monday. Will update.


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