Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

In Mendoza . . .

Hola from Mendoza - wine capital of Argentina. I arrived here yesterday after an overnight bus ride with Lisa and Abby. I really was exausted, so after a couple of glasses (or plastic cups) of wine, I was out for about 12 hours, only waking up about once an hour. You´ve gotta love sleeping in the upright position.

Anyways, we got here yesterday and checked into our hostel for the night, Campo Base. It was a cute, colorful place with lush matresses on the bunk beds.

We basically walked around and explored the city. It is really pretty. It reminds me of a relaxed version of the suburbs of Bs As. The weather is really nice. I wish I would have brought more skirts. So, we walked around stopping in cafes for lunch, dessert, and wine. We also checked out the tourist office. We found out info on wine tours and going to Chile.

After heading back to the hostel for showers, we went out for a really nice Italian dinner. Then, we headed to the casino. The Black Jack tables were full, so I just played some slots. Ended up losing a little, but not too much.

Then we headed back to the hostel and were in bed for two. The room was dark and the beds were comfy. I didn´t want to wake up.

Eventually we got up and had our breakfast of bread, jam, and tea. Today we´re heading out to take the public bus vineyard hopping and tonight we´re taking an overnight bus to Chile. It should be a fun day.

Beyond that, it´s the second day that I´ve gone without speaking to Ben. We decided that we really needed space to get over our breakup. It´s really hard but it´s getting easier every day. I´m realizing that I will find someone better when the timing is better. If anyone out there knows any very handsome, successful, sweet men they want to set me up with, please pass on my email address - haha.

I´ll update again when I can.


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