Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Ok. Well, since the last post I wrote . . . I have continued my Spanish lessons. They are helping me so much. It's gotten me excited about learning Spanish again. I have been really bummed about the break up with Ben. But, we have been doing the whole, we broke up but we're still acting like a couple thing. I think that is finally nipped though. It's sad, but breakups are always hard. I remember that I felt just as bad about my break up with Matt, but it was different because I was at home and had my friends and family around, plus, I knew that wasn't right and it was a mutual split that was a long time coming. Anyways, before you start feeling too sad for me . . . I had a date last night with an American named Seth. I met him a couple months ago and decided to give him a call after Ben and I broke up. We had alot of fun. We had a nice dinner, walked along the river, and went to the casino. I think it was too soon for me to date, because I really wasn't feeling it. He is a nice guy though so maybe we'll just be friends. His dad is Argentine, so he speaks perfect Spanish, so if nothing else, he can help me practice my Spanish. Heading to Mendoza on an overnight bus this evening with Abby and Lisa. That's all for now.


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