Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Hi everyone! Nothing too exciting going on here.

School sucks! My class is getting so hard. I missed so much while I was out of town. I´m still trying to catch up. I understand the concepts, but I have a really hard time actually having a conversation or writing a paper. I really don´t think that it would be possible for me to be doing any better than I am. But, all the people in my class have years of Spanish classes. So, I am the stupid one in the class. That´s not a role that I´m used to playing. And, I hate it. Anyways, I don´t practice my Spanish enough. But, it´s intimidating. I´m going to start taking private lessons a couple times a week starting next week. Generally, I´m just tired of school. I´m done being a student! I´d so much rather be down here working than studying.

Have been out with my friends to a couple clubs, lunch, shopping, and a movie in the past week. Have seen Ben also. We were kind of falling out for a couple of days. I don´t think that it was anything really personal, but we were both somewhat sick (yes, got sick from the temperature change from Bs As to Chicago to Bs As) and a bit stressed. Things seem to be back to normal between us though. I went and met him at his club yesterday for a bit of sun and we have a big date out tonight somewhere special.

I am really up in the air right now about what I´m going to do over the summer. I´ve been trying to formulate a plan, but I´m really not sure what I want to do. I want to be somewhere nearby Ben so that we can meet up. After all, if we still plan to be boyfriend-girlfriend (which time will tell) we will have to see each other. He´s not sure yet if he´ll be in Bs As or London during the summer. And, I don´t particularly have a preference. I do want to see some of my Semester at Sea friends this summer. I miss them.

Well, off to the beach this weekend with CEA. It will be a good chance to catch up with some people that I haven´t seen for a while. It´s slightly dumb to go to the beach since it´s off season, but that´s where CEA is taking us . . . I´m sure it will be nice even if it´s not exactly beach weather. The weather in Bs As is still warm, but fall is coming . . . For example, it was nice to lay in the sun at the club yesterday, but it was FREEZING in the pool!

Anyways, I´ll update after the weekend!


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