Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Made it to Salta . . .

Here I am in Salta!!! I packed my things and hopped onto the bus just before it left at 10 pm. It was a nice bus, and I met a nice German guy who is traveling around the world. The seat next to me was empty, so he ended up sitting next to me. It was nice to have the company, and he got me excited about traveling. It turns out that he´s doing the same thing that I may want to do - going up through Bolivia and Peru. So, if I end up doing that, I may travel some with him. He´s my age and very friendly and interesting. So, that was a nice start. I slept pretty well on the bus since I was so tired.

I got into town and checked into my hostel. It´s not terribly nice, but it will do for now. There was nothing going on around the hostel, so I decided to go out to the main plaza and explore. What do you know - not five minutes and I´ve made another friend. A local college kid asked if I needed directions. Usually, I would just say no and walk away. But, he was my age, wearing a backpack, and seemed like a nice normal kid. So, he escorted me to the square and then gave me a tour of the area. He took me to some churches and monuments. It was really nice of him. He speaks no English. I have no idea how I hung out with him so long only speaking Spanish, but I managed somehow. I love when that happens. But, that also reminds me that I really need to study up so that I have more to say.

Anyways, not sure what my next move is. My friend from the bus is supposed to email me so that we can meet up later on. Besides that, I think I´ll head back to the hostel and chill for a bit. I´m tired from my long walk!!!

I promise I´m being safe!



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