Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hola Everyone . . .

Well. I took my big test on Friday. I´m not sure how I did, but I´d be shocked if I didn´t pass. I´ve made the decision to stay in Bs As for an indefinite amount of time. I have to rebook my plane ticket. I´m thinking the end of July . . . I decided to stay in the residencia, however, it turned out they didn´t have space. So, I was almost homeless. It would have been quite the adventure . . . But, as it stands, I´m in the res for two more months.

Two good friends left the country on Saturday. It was really hard. I was really sad to see people go. And, there are several more people leaving before the end of the month. It´s got me a little bummed out. Besides that, I´ve had a touch of the flu for a few days. So, I´ve been trying to take it easy.

I´m officially out of CEA now. We had our big goodbye on Friday night. They did a tango show with us and gave those of us leaving gifts. I got a really nice leather purse. One of the girls did a slide show of our program. Each person got a profile and title. I ended up as the ¨resident party girl aka world traveler.¨ I thought that was so funny. Its interesting to see how people you don´t know very well sum you up. Honestly, it might seem like I go out and party alot, but the truth is that I´m such a homebody at heart. I just want to get the most out of my time and have no regrets.

Well, I´m free in Argentina now. No class!!! I´m still working with school to see if they´ll let me finish up a Spanish minor. So, I will probably do some class at some point. But, for now, I have a few free weeks. I was thinking about just hopping a bus and going north through Boliva and Peru. But, the truth is that I chickened out a little about going on my own. So, I think that I´m heading to Peru with some friends in a couple of days.

I´ll keep you updated.



At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Amber, I'm John S73 F74 and a seasoned traveler of almost 50 countries. I don't think traveling alone in South America is a good idea. Be Safe. John S73 F74


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