Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Well. It's been a while! First of all, I PASSED MY TEST - even after throwing up all night and not sleeping a wink. I got a 7 out of 10. I'm happy with that.

This week has been weird. My friends are starting to leave. Everyone who hasn't left seems to have people in town that they are occupied with or be out of town themselves. And, not having class has made me very unsettled. I haven't had anything specific to do. I've really been tettering about what my next move should be. I know that I want to stay here and keep working on my Spanish, but I am being really indecisive about what exactly I want to do. It doesn't seem like I'll be able to take enough class here in the next three months to get a Spanish minor. And, I've been sad about my friends leaving and quite sick as well. So, I've just been really indecisive. On the upside, I guess you couldn't say I had a horrible week. I slept as late as I wanted, shopped, and saw some friends. That was pretty much it. If only there was a beach here . . .

Anyways, facing a weekend with more of nothing productive to do and no one much around, I finally decided to make some sort of move. I went to the travel agent, and entirely in Spanish (this is why I want to stay), booked a bus ticket for tonight to Northern Argentina. It's a 21 hour overnight bus to a town called Salta. It's some place that I've wanted to visit. It's a good choice for me because it's not too committal, yet has possibilities. It's close enough that I can go for a few days and come back. However, if I wanted to, I could just continue up north and go through Bolivia and Peru. So this could be a 3 day or a 3 week adventure. I'm nervous. But, glad that I've finally made some sort of decision. I'm heading out in 3 and a half hours. I just booked a hostel, and now I'm going to go home and throw some things in a bag. Luckily, I only slept for 4 hours last night, so I should sleep well on the bus. ***DON'T WORRY DAD!!! I will be there tomorrow night, and I will write when I get there. I will be sure to update this blog regularly to let you know I'm safe. I'll try every day!!!***

I'm off . . .


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