Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Champagne and Cocaine . . .

I had a fab time last night. The city just came alive. There was a huge concert just outside our hotel. You could hear the music and see the people from our window. Sab and I had a drink up in the top floor bar. It was beautiful to see the lights of the farfellas surrounding the bustle of the city. Then, we headed out to the recommended bar.

It was a great night. I ran into a half dozen people that I'd met through traveling. So, it was cool circulating with some old acquantances and meeting new people. It's hard to run into people when you're staying in hotels. But, there aren't many hostels in Bolivia as the hotels are so inexpensive. Anyways, the bar was alot of fun and became a packed club in the wee hours. I didn't drink much - a couple glasses of champagne, a shot called cocaine, one red bull and vodka, and then just water and red bull.

I've had a really hard time with the altitude. And, those couple drinks must have effected me terribly, because I was sick all night and all day today. I had a hard time breathing (as usual) and was terribly nausous. I didn't sleep at all. I finally puked around 11 this morning. But, I'm still feeling bad. So, I decided to just take advantage of the nice hotel room and lounge in today. Sab went out to explore. So, I'm just chilling and watching tv. I just put down some chicken soup and bread from room service. So, hopefully, I'll feel a bit better and head to Cococabana tomorrow.


At 5:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.


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