Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Leaving Honeymoon Land . . .

Just got back from my astrological tour. It was amazing. We went on a bus to this French astrologer´s house. The house was great. You walk in the front door and there was a large room with a big semicircle bench under an opening in the ceiling in which you could see the night sky. The room was illuminated and warmed with dozens of candles. It was beautiful. But, the real attraction was outside the house. He had a huge piece of property somewhat surrounded by low trees. So, all you saw was a huge dome of sparkling stars - above you and all around. It was beautiful. We had some information in the house. Then, we went outside, where he explained things about the sky and pointed to constallations and stars with a lazer. Then, we looked at different stars, constallations, and clouds through four professional telescopes. After that, we went back into the house for hot chocolate and a little more talk. It was so beautiful and romantic. There were 13 of us - six couples and ME! I feel like everyone is always feeling sorry for me here. The poor little American girl all alone. Geerrrrr. I love this town, but I am so ready to get off this honeymoon I´m having alone and get back to REAL backpacker world where the couples are the freaks and the single people rule.

Anyways, that is why I am writing. Because, I am heading out for my trip to Bolivia tomorrow morning. So, this will be my last entry until Tuesday or Wednesday. Our accomodations will be very rustic, so I´m not expecting to find internet. So, as far as I know, there are 2 couples and me and the French guy. I´m really glad he´s coming. At least I won´t be the third wheel for the next three days. I can´t handle anymore romance around me!!! I´m going to either gag or cry. So, don´t worry about not hearing from me for a few days. I´ll write as soon as I have a chance.

Well, that´s me. I have been invited to a local party tonight, but I think I´m just going to go back to the hostel and pack up my things and get to bed. After all I´ve been up since 345 this morning. That´s my plan but who knows.

Chau for now!


At 8:04 PM, Blogger Joseph Berchmans said...

The SAS program sounds fantastic. I read your blog on the India trip and have to admit that your blog called the spade a spade.
My hometown is Chennai and I was happy to see the pictures. After all, no place beats home.


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