Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Loving La Paz . . . A Five Star Hotel and Shopping . . . What's Not to Love . . .

Took the overnight bus from Potosi to La Paz last night. The bus was definitely not as nice as the Argentine buses, but it wasn't too bad. I actually fell asleep right away and slept somewhat soundly for most of the ride. We arrived in La Paz around 7 a.m.

The first impression of La Paz at sunrise was lovely. It's a huge city surrounded by mountains, crowded with colorful farfellas. The farfellas were all lit lit up. The city was mostly closed but in the process of waking up. There are grand old buildings and churches mixed with dumpy, slummy areas. But, all I see in that is the character and charm. So much more interesting than an ultra modern, ultra clean city.

So, Sabastian (my French buddy) and I decided to go to a hostel together. We lugged our luggage uphill just to find that the showers were cold and the rooms were cold. I just couldn't handle another cold shower and cold night. So, we continued our search. It's really a pain lugging all your things with you. So, after trekking up and down hill for a while, we came across two hotels. We decided to check the rates just to see.

Well, the nicer hotel was a little expensive, but it was so nice. It turns out that it's the best hotel in La Paz. We just got one room because it was a bit expensive. *DAD. Don't freak out. I remember the email I got after Rio about sharing a room with Chad and AJ. We're just friends, and I'm a grown up. I'm allowed to share rooms with boys.* The room and the hotel are amazing. The room is huge. It has two big beds, a pull out couch, a wall made of windows, cable tv, a minibar, wireless internet(!), and a beautiful bathroom with a nice tub. The hotel has a pool, saunas, hot tubs, restaurants, and a 17th floor lounge/bar/club. They were really nice and let us check in at about 8 a.m. They even let us have breakfast in the restaurant. It was so good. I had bacon and hashbrowns for the first time in ages.

Anyways, after we got cleaned up and explored the hotel, we headed out. We walked around the bustling street markets that seem to fill every nook and cranny. The women were traditional dress as in Uyuni and Potosi, however, it's a bit different here. The skirts are longer but less puffy and instead of the standard top hats and braids, many women where different types of hats.

They sell everything from silver jewelry, to every type of alpaca item, to food, to knock off clothes, to love potions and alpaca fetus bones (in the witches market). Sab and I spent hours walking around and shopping. I have never had so much fun shopping with a guy before. I feel like I've made a new gay best friend. Sorry Alex.

So, that was the day. We headed back to the hotel and are just chilling for now. We're planning to have a big night out as La Paz seems to have a bit of nightlife and it's been a while. Not sure if I'm heading to Cococabana tomorrow or the next day. As much as I like La Paz, I don't feel like there's actually much to do here. The only reason that I really want to stay is because Jon and Leona will be in town tomorrow afternoon and I'd like to go out with them. But, on the other hand, it would be good for me to move on and meet some other people.

So, we'll see. For now, I'm happy.


At 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you ever get a chance you should try to see the PBS program "Independent Lens" - it is about the lives of the miners in Potosi and in particular about a 14 year who supports his family by working there.

At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

At 5:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.


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