Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

In the Highest City in the World . . .

I arrived in Potosi, Bolivia this evening. At 4070 meters, its the highest city in the world.

Last night just had dinner with the Uyuni crew and then went to bed early. My room was so nice and clean and I slept for about 10 hours. It was terrific! The six hour bus ride to Potosi was interesting. Were not in Kansas anymore. The buses were horrible and cramped. The luggage went on the roof. The bathroom stops involved jumping off the bus and peeing in an alley or behind a rock. The roads were winddy and dusty and the driver had to honk as we made each curve to ensure we wouldnt crash with other vehicles. My first bus ride in Bolivia . . . It was fabulous!

Anyways, Potasi is actually a really large and vibrant city. It used to be fabulously wealthy due to its silver mines. So, it retains much of its grandor in its architecture. The people are dark. The women wear big skirts, shalls, and leg warmers and carry babys on their backs with multicolored fabric. Its just huge and very interesting. Very different from Argentina . . .

My hotel is even nicer than last night. I have a single room in a pretty nice hotel with my own bathroom and tv. I saw a few minutes of Sienfield before I headed out. That was an exciting farmiliarty. All for $3 per night! A couple of my friends from the Uyuni trip are staying there as well.

Just had dinner and explored this evening. I was going to leave on the bus for La Paz tomorrow night, but I love it here. So, I think I will spend two nights here. Tomorrow, I will probably do a tour to the silver mines and explore some more.

Having a great time. Will write tomorrow.


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