Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hola From Bolivia!

Ive just made it into Uyuni after my 3 day trip. There was our driver Jaun, two couples (one English, one Canadian),a young French guy, and me. Everyone was so nice and alot of fun. The tour itself was amazing. Some of the highlights were

*lounging in warm hotsprings*bubbly brown gysers
*visiting a lake with red water (due to the minerals), flamingos, and ice bergs
*partying and playing silly games in the horrible and freezing refugee with my tour mates
*climbing bizzare rock formations
*staying in a Salt Hotel in the midst of the salt flats. Everything was made of salt - walls, tables, chairs, floor, beds . . . It was entirely luxurous after the night in the refugee.
*spending all of the third day driving through and stopping in the Uyuni salt flats.

Everything was fabulous - the tour, the people, and the food. Both nights accomodation were absolutely freezing. And, I suffered quite a bit of altitude sickness. But, it was all part of the experience.

There is no way that I can describe how neat everything that I saw was. So, as soon as I can post pictures, I will.

Im in Bolivia now. It isnt quite as rural as I was expecting here in Uyuni. Its acually a decent sized little town. The people are dark and the women dress in traditional skirts and shalls.
I decided to hop on the band wagon and go with the people who were on my tour to Potosi tomorrow (which is the highest city in the world). So, we booked a really nice hotel for $3 a night and a bus ticked for $3. Were going to go out for dinner tonight and then our bus leaves at 10 am tomorrow. I think that I will spend just one day there and then head to La Paz.

I will write tomorrow . . .



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