Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Ahhhhhhhhhh (In a finally relaxed sort of way) . . . I'm moved!

I moved my things out of my apartment today. Ahhhhhhhh . . . Wow, does it feel good to be done with that. Four of my guy cousins helped me move, and I barely had to do anything at all. I always feel bad taking help from people, but, wow, does it feel good to receive it. I didn't have to rent a truck. I didn't have to rent additional storage space. It was so pain free.

You know what else feels good? Having my things. I left alot of things that I really didn't need to pull out in boxes and stacked them in mom's basement. That will make it all the easier to move in the fall. But, I unpacked alot of my fun things (some pics, all my perfume and bath products, DVDs, candles, etc.). I'm surprised how quickly I sorted and unpacked boxes. It took me two weeks to unpack the things I had accumulated over the last 100 days. But, it only took a few hours to unpack things that I accumulated over my whole life. Hmmmmmmmm? Anyways, it isn't perfect in here or anything, but it's so comfy to have my things. I was debating if I wanted to paint and how I wanted to decorate. However, since I'm really not going to actually live here very long, I don't think it's necessary to put alot of time into making it perfect. In fact, it's actually shaped up pretty cute with the blending of my childhood purple/blue sponge paint walls, my vineyard wine pics and decorations from my living room, my random SAS accumulations from around the world, and my white/neon green oriental style bedding. I know it sounds gross. It's very different from my "everything has to go perfectly" style. But, I actually think it's quite fun. I couldn't live in a room so disorderly for long, but for now, I'm kind of digging it . . . It's very college kid/world traveler eclectic. I guess since that's what I am these days, it fits perfectly . . .

Anyways. It's such a relief to be done with Christmas and moving. I am going to sleep awesome on my bed tonight. It's been over four months since I've slept in it. I've been sleeping on an airmatress for the past two and a half weeks. I was thinking about going out tonight. But, it's too tempting to stay in and enjoy my things. I can't wait to go to bed!!!


At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please keep on blogging as you are fun to read.


At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I agree with Gretchen. I'm enjoying keeping up with your daily life now that SAS is over and look forward to your adventures in Argentina.

Sarah Bethune
S72 SAS alum


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