Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

After Christmas Update . . .

Well, Christmas has come and gone. I procrastinated unpacking my remaining suitcases until Christmas eve. At that point, I was forced to get up early and figure out who got what, wrap it, and run to the store for last minute things. I ran my ass off all day on Christmas eve, but it all ended up working out, and I had everything wrapped and was celebrating by 5 p.m. that evening. Christmas eve and Christmas were amazingly simple and enjoyable. Everyone seemed to be cutting down on Christmas gifts this year. For the first time, we just did a grab bag at my dad's house. And, on Christmas day, for the first time I can remember, I just went to my step-dad's family's house and hung out there instead of running all over hell. I got some nice gifts (clothes, boots, a coat, books), but nothing overwhelming, which was perfect. Everyone seemed to like the things that I brought back for them from around the world. It's amazing how much more enjoyable Christmas was with less intensity. Aren't we always adding and desiring more? So how is it that less actually made it so much better? hmmmmmm . . . a new question in life to ponder . . .

Besides that, I seem to have gotten myself out of that mini funk I was in early last week. I've spent alot of time with my friends and family recently. I've had many a late nights in the past couple weeks. I've also gotten my room picked up and my suitcases unpacked. Tomorrow I'm moving my things out of my apartment in the city. Will I ever be glad to have that out of the way. However, then it means that my room here's going to be a disaster again. I still haven't decided how much I'm going to bother actually unpacking here. I guess I'll see.

I have noticed some changes in myself lately that I didn't notice when I first returned. I seem to have gotten alot more upfront and honest than I ever was before with other people and with myself (not that I was a liar before). But, I've gotten alot more brave with facing situations head on instead of "waffling around". A couple "issues" have come up since I've been home, and I've been able to just jump right out of my comfort zone and handle them very maturely, but honestly. And, they always seem to work out for the best that way, and I feel good, because I know that I was completely straight and open in the situation. I've also been able to let alot more go. Petty shit doesn't seem so important. And, I feel sorry, not angry at, the people who let it consume their lives. I am less intimidated by people and more true to myself. I feel like I appreciate and understand the people around me more, especially those who I knew before the trip. Generally, I feel like I'm growing into a more grown-up, more in-tune, version of myself. And, I think that I really like the me I'm becoming.

Anyways, those are just some random happenings/thoughts to update you. I'll be in touch soon!


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