Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Almost Home . . . (Panda) Bears and Burgers . . .

Well, tonight is my last night in San Diego. I've had a nice couple of days, but I'm ready to get home. In a way I'm sort of dreading going home since I have so much to take care of and I don't really have a "home" right now since all my things are packed and scattered, and I'm going to be moving out of my apartment and into my mom and step-dad's house until I leave for Argentina. But, still, I'm looking forward to taying somewhere for a little while and seeing my friends and family (especially my new babies - Donovan and Adrienne). I was thinking about trying to stay in Cali for a little while and visit
friends in LA and San Fran, but I have so much to do at home before I leave for Argentina . . . Plus, I need to visit a dentist.

We haven't done a ton while we've been here, but I also haven't gotten much sleep. Yesterday we bummed around in the gaslight district and today we went to the San Diego zoo. My cousins came down from Bakersfield to go to the zoo with us, so that was fun. I also did something that I couldn't leave California without doing - went to In and Out Burger. All my Cali friends will be pleased with me. I heard so much about In and Out Burger during the last ten days of the voyage, including an hour long 4 a.m. discussion with three Californians. I have to say that I quite enjoyed my animal double double cheese burger (off the secret menu, hehehe).

I dealt with my packing situation yesterday/today. I pulled open the box and garbage bag and transfered things into two duffles that my bro and sis brought. Alas, that damn drum and my paintings just wouldn't fit anywhere, so I had to ship the drum, and I'm going to gate check the paintings. It's going to be such a mess to unpack all this. Especially since I still have to move/unpack my entire life and set up in my old/new room. Unfortunatly, I accidently packed my winter coat, so I'm going to have to wear a hoodie to get home from the airport and try to find my other winter coats in the bags and bags of clothes that I left at my mom's house. Who knows, they may still be at my apartment in the city.

So far, I haven't felt too much culture shock. I have noticed a few oddities. But, that's how I usually identify things - by noticing the small things. First, something that I first noticed in Hawaii and has continued to confuse me - I don't remember portion sizes in the U.S. being so large. Second, I went into Express yesterday and nearly died at the beautiful, new, clean clothes. I was wearing a neon green, short skirt and a tank top, and I felt so under-dressed in the mall. Everyone was wearing such stylish clothes. I'm a real SAS fashion disaster these days. I guess that I'm going to have to start dressing like a grown up again instead of a college bum stuck on a ship.

I also have the SAS flu. I have a terrible cold, and I'm exausted all the time. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in who knows how long. I miss nap time on the MV explorer.

Well, I'll be home tomorrow around 4 p.m. It's going to be cold and snowy. I am freezing here in San Diego where it's 60-70 degrees. I don't know how I'll deal with 20 degrees and snow. This hoodie better be very warm . . .


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