Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Perfect “Last Chance”

Usually everyone is dying to go to dinner by 5:30. But, last night, the one night out of 100 that I need people at dinner by a certain time because I bought a surprise cake for dessert, it was a pain in the butt to get everyone to come. Noel said that she wasn’t going to come to dinner because she was sleeping. I called her back and told her that she had to come. I think that everyone figured out why I wanted to go to dinner so badly, but I told them that I was just really hungry and I said they had to come. Anyways, they all made it and we crammed nine of us around the dinner table. After a while of sitting at dinner Noel asked me, “So, I really just had to come because you were really hungry?” I’m pretty sure that everyone knew what the deal was, but they pretended like they were surprised when the cake came. Well, the cake was huge, but we ate most of it. We always talked about getting an ice cream cake but we never did it, so it was a nice touch for one of our last dinners together on the ship.

After dinner, we all had our last sea meetings. They gave us a lot of information about leaving the ship and becoming SAS alumni. My RD, Karen, gave a little speech. It was really sad. I almost started crying.

I was afraid that the “last chance” dance was going to be a little lame since there was no pub night. But, it ended up being amazing. I’m so glad that I went. It was a weak turnout, but there were still 75 people or so there. I had a good time just dancing with the girls. It’s really funny because we hear the same songs played at our dances over and over and over again. We want to make an SAS pub night/dance soundtrack. There are certain songs that I will always associate with SAS. I know that I’m going to be in bars at home and hear songs and get sad. The last song of the night is always White Snake’s, “Here I go again.” But, after White Snake, they played Green Day’s “Time of your life.” Everyone on the pool deck put their arms around each other and formed a huge circle. It was our last song of our last SAS dance ever. After the dance, I hung out with some people for a couple of hours. I had a really nice conversation with Steph, Alberto, and Alex on the smoking deck about the significance of the voyage in our life and going home. There was no crazy ending to the night, but I left that conversation feeling fulfilled. Then, I started watching a little Sex in the City with Courtney before I passed out. It was around 3 a.m., and I hadn’t slept since 9:30 two evenings before.


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