Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Friday, November 25, 2005


Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you all had a fabulous turkey day! Since we are so many hours ahead of you, I actually celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday. We actually had class. Isn’t that crazy? Well, I was done after Global Studies, so I pretty much had the day free. I spent the afternoon working on some odds and ends and writing my Japan blog. We had a yummy lunch with grilled cheese, French fries, and tomato soup. Yum! Then we had a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner. We had real carved turkey, salad, green beans, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and the best pumpkin pie that I’ve ever had. It was really terrific! A lot of my friends had dinner with their ship families. But, Noel, Tiffany, Kristen, Krystal, and I got dressed up and had a family dinner together. It was a lot of fun. We waited to all get our food together and I said grace before we ate. After dinner, I had a little meeting for one of the projects that I’m working on. Then, Courtney, Tiffany and I watched Love Actually and Sweet Home Alabama until 2 a.m.

This is going to be a long two week crossing home with a short day stop in Hawaii on December 1st. There is alot going on the next two weeks – papers, finals, packing, etc. Before Hawaii, I have three papers and a presentation due. The Ambassador’s Ball is three days from today. We’ll also be losing seven more hours and adding a day before San Diego. I predict that the whole thing is going to be a big whirlwind.

I can’t wait to get home. I have loved every moment of this experience. I would love to do it all over again. But, I need to come home for a little while. I need to see all my family and friends and the things that are familiar to me. I’m satisfied with all I’ve done and seen and am perfectly fine coming home and leaving it behind, except . . . I will miss all the wonderful people that I’ve met on this ship. It’s going to be such a shock going from seeing people 24/7 to probably never seeing most of them ever again . . .

I AM THANKFUL FOR everyone who has touched my life and that I’m not seasick this crossing.

Position Report

November 25, 2005
Latitude 33 degrees - 49 minutes North
Longitude 149 degrees - 45 minutes East

November 24, 2005
Latitude 33 degrees - 22 minutes North
Longitude 139 degrees - 41 minutes East

P.S. I promised to say Hello to Mitch's (from Chicago) parents. I think that Mitch and I met back on our India trip. I ran into him on my last night out in Japan and he told me that you read my blog and asked me to say hello. So, "hello" to Mitch's parents. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. I saw Mitch last night and he was dressed in some pretty bright colors and said he had a nice day.

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