Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Arrived in Japan . . . No more seasickness?

Well, we’ve docked in Japan and we’re waiting to get off the ship. I guess I spoke too soon about my seasickness being gone. As soon as I ate dinner last night, I got terribly nauseous. I was sick all night until I finally threw up around 1 a.m. My roommate and I were watching Sex and the City and the episode where Samantha is sick and has no one to take care of her came on. I was like, “See that’s me. I have no one to take care of me.” I was feeling so sorry for myself. After I threw up everything in my system once again, I felt well enough to sleep.

I was awoken by a Japanese band playing just outside my window to greet us. It was a nice gesture, but I couldn’t quite drag myself upstairs after three days of seasickness. I finally made it upstairs in time to eat breakfast. My stomach was so empty. Now that the boat has stopped moving, I’m hoping to keep it down.

Well, we have no solid plans or reservations, but the basic plan is to get on a train and do Nara and Kyoto today and tomorrow, Hiroshima the third day, and Kobe the fourth day. I’m sure it will be an adventure . . . I will be so happy to get off this boat and get on solid ground!

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