Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Happy Days . . .

Well, I’m feeling better today. Last night was the charity auction. It was a lot of fun and we raised $25,000 for charity. I bought some raffle tickets but didn’t end up bidding on anything. Everything went for so much. I think that a day of picking the ship menu went for around $700 and homemade brownies once a month for a year went for somewhere around $400. I wonder how many people had buyer’s remorse this morning.

I made myself stay awake until 12:30 last night and then passed out until the voice woke us up at 12:30 this afternoon. Although I’m a tiny bit nauseous today, I think that I’m pretty much over my seasickness. Today is a great day because it’s a no class day. I’ve been hanging around and answering some e-mails, but I need to do a couple quick papers for Geology before dinner.

Now, the most exciting news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My friend Danielle had her baby! Donovan is 8.4 lbs and 21 inches long. Apparently she spent 36 hours in labor before having a C section. I know that Danielle is not reading this right now, but maybe she will before I get home. I love you both Danielle and Van, and I’m so proud of you. I can’t wait to get home and see you. Give my new baby lots of kisses for me.

Tomorrow we arrive in Japan. I have some general plans with some friends, but I think it will be a “see what happens” kind of thing for the most part. I’m looking forward to it!

Position Report

November 19, 2005
Latitude 28 degrees - 52 minutes North,
Longitude 130 degrees - 38 minutes East
Sea wave height 9-12 feet

November 18, 2005
Latitude 24 degrees - 10 minutes North,
Longitude 124 degrees - 13 minutes East
Sea wave height 9-15 feet

November 17, 2005
Latitude 22 degrees - 02 minutes North,
Longitude 118 degrees - 00 minutes East
Sea wave height 9-12 feet

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