Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Just on the boat . . .

Hi everyone! Just a quick update to let you know that we're back on the boat. We don't pull out of Burma (Myanmar) until tomorrow afternoon (due to the tides). Tomorrow is Halloween, and as I'm on the Halloween committee, it's going to be a busy busy day for me. This is going to be a busy busy crossing of catching up and preparing. We haven't had a long crossing in a while and won't have one until after Hong Kong. So, I will get to my blog entry for Burma when I have a chance - probably the day after tomorrow. It's going to be just as difficult to process as India. It feels like I did and saw so much that it's impossible to put into words. It was incredible and enlightening.

The big news on the ship right now is our water shortage. Since we are docked in a river, the water is too dirty for us to process into clean water. So, we have to buy it here - which is supposedly very expensive. Anyways, for the past couple of days, we've only had water from 6-9 in the morning and 6-9 at night. Aside from the issue of showering, no water means no flushing of toilets. With 800 people with various forms of Delhi belly and food poisioning, the bathrooms can get pretty interesting during non-flushing hours. Enough said. It's a pretty interesting situation.

Also, we've all heard on the ship that there have been some bombings and a train derailment in Dehli. It's a scary thought as many of us were in these areas just a few days before. But, we are all safe and thankful for it. I know for me, it's given me a jolt. It's so hard to imagine bad stuff happening to you even though you know it can. Something like this really reminds you.

Well, as promised earlier, I will get on here with my Myanmar epic ASAP.

I hope everyone is doing well - especially my new baby cousin Adrienne and her mommy and daddy.

Happy Halloween!!!

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