Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Just Before Mauritius . . . (7 hours and 20 minutes until arrival)

It’s been a full day. It started with an early wake up call at 6:30 a.m. I had to get up and study for my global studies exam since I hadn’t done it yet. I’ve become prone to cussing out my alarm clock in the morning. I pick it up, look it square in its ugly little face, and say “F U”. I’ve never loved to wake up, but somehow on this ship, I have realized that I HATE to get up early. I’m always so tired. And, I never nap. But, by the night, I get my second wind and stay up all night.

Anyways, I took my Global Studies exam. It seemed somewhat easy and I got a B on it. And, guess what, I’m ok with that. I really didn’t put much work into studying or doing the readings. Yes, everyone reread that third sentence once you get over your shock. I am ok with B’s on this trip. I made this statement to my mom a couple of weeks ago when I got a B on the first Global Studies exam and her response was, “that doesn’t sound like my Amber.” But, it’s me here. While my classes are important, there are more important things to me on this trip than hiding my nose in a book. Besides, give me a little leeway for senioritis . . .

Besides waking up early and taking the Global Studies exam, I: went to class; ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner; spent some time at the spa getting a salt scrub (pretty nice, but not worth the $ - btw, this is my forth time at the spa in five days – I need help), sat outside for a bit, went to pre-port on Mauritius, tried (completely unsuccessfully) to learn salsa dancing, and worked out for a bit.

I was outside a couple of minutes ago when we passed by an island just a few miles away. It was all lit up and really exciting to see. Some of my friends were going to attempt to sleep outside again tonight, but I think that I am just going to stay in my bed and get a good nights rest. I may read a little of the “pleasure” book that I started yesterday.

I am, however, excited about Mauritius. It sounds gorgeous and relaxing. Truth be told, I am really excited about going somewhere where I don’t feel like I have to rush around to get all the sights in. I will be quite happy to shop, go to the beach, and soak up the local culture for three days. Ok, I may hike or snorkel if I get ambitious.

Anyways, I will keep you updated . . .

Quote that I completely love: “The two most talkative people on this ship are in my room and they’re talking to each other.”
- Can you guess where I fit into the picture. Haha.

Position Report
to come soon . . .


At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fascinating insight into travel and transportation I founf something related to that here travel and transportation


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