Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Bad News With A Positive Spin

We finally had a formal speech from Archbishop Tutu this morning followed by a panel discussion. After which one of the more outgoing professors lead a beautiful song about hope and love with the shipboard community singing along. It was one of those moments when you remember exactly why you’re on this voyage. Then Dean John came to the podium with a very somber expression and very serious news to tell us. I actually thought that we were going to get reamed out for last night’s ridiculously crazy 80’s themed pub night (which I will write about soon). Unfortunately, the news was much more serious. We aren’t going to Kenya. Dean John read a very scary security update that he had received on terrorist activity occurring in Eastern Africa. Maritime vessels are particularly vulnerable and the update specified that these terrorists drew no distinction between tourists and officials. Apparently, all U.S. military ships have been detoured, including a ship that was supposed to dock right around the time we were. If I can get a copy of the report, I’ll post it. But, it was scary. And, it actually made me feel very secure that SAS was doing such a good job of keeping track of current situations. As Dean John left the podium, you could tell that he was fighting back tears. I’m sure he feels terrible about all the disappointment that filled such a hope filled, excited room following Archbishop Tutu’s speech. But, I’m happy that SAS is taking such good care of us. And, the good news is that now we get to go somewhere totally unexpected. You have to look at the positive. Besides, there’s never been a voyage in history that went exactly as planned. That’s part of the fun. Dean John says the people in Pittsburgh are furiously worked to decide on our next port. He says that he will hopefully have answers for us tomorrow. I’ll keep you updated.

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