Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Another Week At Sea . . .

Hey everyone. Just a quick update for you before we get to Brazil tomorrow . . . So much has happened during this crossing and yet nothing much to report. It’s all really routine school type stuff, just on a boat sailing to Brazil. We’ve had class for the past six days so everyone’s been really busy attending class and doing homework. We had a big global studies exam this morning. It was pretty easy. The average score was 81.5%. Other than that, we’ve had a couple of pub nights, which were a good time as usual. All the activities have started up on the ship too. I have attended a couple community colleges (on shopping and photography) and joined the Ambassador’s Ball Committee.

We had cultural pre-port last night and logistical pre-port tonight. After logistical, I went to a Samba lesson. I was terrible. But, I have the next five nights to practice in Brazil, so hopefully I’ll improve.

In logistical news, we crossed the equator last night and we’ve been experiencing rough seas. The ship is really moving and people are swaying all over the place when they try to walk. Surprisingly, I haven’t experienced much sea sickness yet. However, I hear that the seas will be much rougher around the cape of Africa. So, we’ll see how it goes . . .

What am I doing in Brazil you may ask??? Good question. I have absolutely nothing nothing nothing planned. I think that I am going to hop on a plane to Rio, but I don’t have a plane ticket yet and nothing is in stone. Worse case scenario, I stay around Salvador. There is supposed to be a lot to do around there and I know quite a few people staying. So, I’ll have some sort of interesting tale to tell when I get back on the 17th/18th.

Not going to lie, I'm a little nervous about how things will pan out. I'm starting to question all the peeps on the message board that convinced me not to book too many SAS trips. Here I go with my first indy adventure . . .

Position Report

September 11, 2005
Latitude 2 degrees - 55 minutes South
Longitude 037 degrees - 32 minutes West

September 10, 2005

Latitude 0 degrees - 37 minutes North
Longitude 043 degrees - 07 minutes West

September 9, 2005

Latitude 4 degrees
22.2 minutes North
Longitude 049 degrees - 01 minutes West

September 8, 2005
Latitude 8 degrees - 15 minutes North

Longitude 055 degrees - 15 minutes West

September 7, 2005
Latitude 11 degrees - 30 minutes North

Longitude 062 degrees - 30 minutes West

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