Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Well, it's finally time. Here I am waiting in the lobby with my luggage. By the way, the wheel on the suitcase that I am sitting on broke. So, dragging all my luggage to the ship myself is going to be a blast! I'm so just laughing at the bumps on the road at this point. And, it has nothing to do with only five hours of sleep. I'm just so excited to get started that a stupid suitcase wheel isn't going to get me down. This picture was literally taken ten minutes ago. I am finishing up a few on-line things on my lap top (wireless internet in the lobby) and waiting for some people who I said that I'd meet out here to catch cabs together. In less than two hours I will be on the ship! I'll send a quick update when I can. Bon Voyage to me!!! Love to all of you!

P.S. I was just informed that there may be a problem with the message board, so I'll try to check it out when I have a chance.

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