Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Bumb Number 6,246 in the Road . . . But Still Having a Great Time . . .

Ok. So before I left, I debated endlessly over whether I should get a new digital camera or not. In the end, I decided that buying a new camera was pointless since I couldn't really get anything better without going up in size and that wasn't something that I wanted to do. Well, yesterday my digital camera completely pooped out. A couple of weeks ago, the zoom started acting a little funny and yesterday the motor completely went out. So, here I am, two days before a trip around the world, with no camera. And, to make matters even more fun, any electronic store that does exist on this Island is closed on Sunday. So, I will be scrambling tomorrow (the day before my trip starts) to find a new camera. Fun, fun.

But, you know what, I am still having an awesome time. I know it's hard to believe with all my bitching, but I'm just using this board as an outlet to vent (in a completely sarcastic, ironic way). I promise to bring more positivity to this board soon. On that note, the weather has been gorgeous here and we have been having tons of fun in the sun. Last night I met about 60 SAS kids in the lobby of the hotel and stood around talking for hours. Everyone was really cool, nice, and completely having the same excitement and fears as me. Supposedly everyone is planning to meet in the lobby at 9 for the next two nights. There will be even more people arriving in the next couple of days. So, it looks like I'll meet a lot of people before even getting on the ship. ***Too bad I can't take pictures. Just had to throw that in.*** Anyways, I'm off to the beach now. And tomorrow, I have a snorkeling trip at 9 a.m. and then I am off to search up a camera. I'll keep you updated.

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