Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Friday, October 07, 2005


My camera broke. My thumb drive broke. I thought I lost my Ipod (but, I didn’t). My ship internet account isn’t working. Now my frickin charger for my computer broke. What the F??? I’m ticked off. Luckily, I found a girl down the hall who has the same charger. So, I’m currently bumming hers. But, I’m going to have to get my own ASAP. I guess that I’ll try in Mauritius. I’m sure that will be fun. Anyways, just wanted to vent. And, if you don’t see too many entries for a little while, that’s why – no charger, no internet account.

Now back to my happy positive self . . .
Other than the charger, I had one of those perfect days at sea. I made it to both my 8 a.m. Travel Lit and Global Studies classes. Then, I went to the gym (thumbs up to me)! Then, after lunch, I spent the entire day on the pool deck laying out. It’s just starting to get warm enough to lay out again. The best part of the day was that I actually started reading a book for fun. That was so heavenly. I’m so sick of only doing academic reading. Although, with the perfect day, brings the sucky night, because now I have to catch up on all my academic reading. We have our second Global Studies test tomorrow and I really need to do some studying. Fun. Fun.

We get to Mauritius the day after tomorrow. I’m actually really really looking forward to spending some time in the sun being lazy. I never thought I’d feel that way when Kenya was cancelled. But, I am so worn out and we haven’t had super super warm weather for a couple of weeks now. So, I’m ready for summer again. I was talking to my two friends from Cali today and the one girl says, “yeah, it’s been like winter for the past couple weeks.” I started cracking up. It was in the 60’s. I was like, “winter, that’s June in Chicago.” Anyways, I’m actually pretty excited to get to Mauritius now that I know a little more about it. It sounds like there’s a lot of natural beauty and history there.

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