Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Ahhhhh . . . Finally, a weekend . . . On a Wednesday . . .

Yesterday was our first ever day off classes while at sea with no ship wide activity planned. They did have some fun activities planned throughout the day such as mask making and movies. It would have been a completely wonderful day had I not had a nasty Geology Paper hanging over my head all day. Anyways, me and my roommate slept in until “the voice” came over the loudspeaker to wake us all up around noon. So, we decided to get up and get lunch. I’m glad that I did. They had meatball sandwiches which were really good. After lunch, there was a mandatory life boat drill, which was long and not a ton of fun.

After the drill, I went up to the salon to get my hair done. I got some highlights and a haircut. It was reasonably inexpensive and she did a pretty good job. After that, there was a BBQ out on the pool deck. It was soooooooooooo good. They had chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, potato wedges, salad, and corn on the cob. For dessert they had chocolate and strawberry ice cream along with a whole dessert table with a dozen desserts. I had a cheese burger, corn on the cob, potato wedges, strawberry ice cream, and banana cake with chocolate frosting. It was gorgeous and a ton of fun sitting up on deck with friends and great food as the sun set. After dinner, I watched some shows that Matt sent me with some friends. That was also a lot of fun. After that though, I was stuck in the library for the rest of the night trying to figure out what the heck to write in my five page Geology paper.

Besides that, life on the ship has been relatively routine: class; homework; papers; movies; meetings; and one ridiculously crazy (as usual) pub night. We have a Global Studies test coming up in a couple days – not looking forward to that. The weather has been getting warmer. I saw some people sunbathing on deck yesterday. I can’t wait to have a chance to get up on deck in my bathing suit. After a week or two without the tropical weather, I’m craving the sunshine and heat again.

*** I wanted to give you a quick update on shipboard life. But, I will get my safari story up soon. I have just been really busy with my school work.

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