Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Overwhelming News From Home!!!

Since I have to beg and borrow a computer charger, my computer has been dead for several days, and I have been unable to check my e-mail. For the last couple of weeks, I have been trying to find out how my cousin Wendy is doing. She was due to have her baby October 30th. I sent her a couple e-mails and never heard back. I finally sent my dad an e-mail a couple days ago and asked him to have her write to me. I have really been thinking about her and wondering how she is doing. It’s just so damn hard to stay in touch here. So, just this very moment I opened my e-mail and had the following message from my dad:

Wendy had her baby today 6 LBS 5 oz 19 in long. She will be out of the hospital tomorrow that is Monday.

Wendy and Ronnie: Congratulations! I love you guys and obviously am thinking of you. I seriously can’t hold back my tears. I think I may need to leave class. People are going to start looking at me. I hope that you aren’t mad at me for broadcasting this information, but I am sitting in Global Studies (we are ten and a half hours ahead of you now), and I need to get out the emotion. I am so so so overwhelmed. I am happy and excited, but I am fighting back tears. I am so sad that I am not there. Give that baby girl (I’m assuming it was a girl as planned?) lots of hugs and kisses for me. Is she Adrienne Renee???

Whoever gets this and knows when and where I can get ahold of Wendy, let me know. Send me a phone number. I must call her ASAP. Give me Chicago time, and I can figure it out. Just remember that I am ten and a half hours ahead, so don’t give me a time that will be at 3:30 in the morning for me if possible.

And as I post, I get some other amazing news – WHAT??? THE WHITE SOX ARE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!!! I am going to die of excitement. My Chicago friend and I just found out together. We’re going to change into our black and white and do a little face painting. Got to represent!!!

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