Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Sick at Sea . . .

Well, I hit my first bout of seasickness. The boat has been rocking like crazy. Right now the waves have mellowed out to a tame 9-15 feet, but people said that they were as high as twenty last night. After lunch yesterday, I holed up in my room and stayed there until 10:40 this morning. I felt terrible. I slept pretty much the whole twenty-two hours, except for once in a while when I rolled over and talked to my roommate or got up to throw up. I kept thinking that I just wanted to go home. My stomach is feeling better today, but I feel so completely tired and out of it. I want to try to stay awake because I’m probably just tired because I’ve slept too much. Tonight I have an Ambassador’s Ball Committee meeting and SOS is having its big charity auction. I hope that I’ll be up for it.

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