Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Hawaii . . .

Aloha! Hawaii was a great time. It’s a beautiful place that I must go back to. We ended up getting a hotel room in Waikiki and doing a lot of partying. I spent yesterday hanging out at the beach and eating lunch and dinner. For some reason, I really don’t feel like going into a lot of detail. I was only there for about 24 hours, and I didn’t do anything extremely cultural. But, it was nice to get off the boat and stretch our legs and get a taste of Hawaii.

The one really cool thing that I’ll tell you about is that everyone was able to use their cell phones a couple of hours before we docked. So, everyone was up on deck laying out in their swim suits and making phone calls. It was really surreal to be able to communicate so easily after almost four months of broken, difficult communication.

One cool thing allows me to bitch about one sad thing. I lost my shoes that I got in Rio and my favorite favorite favorite article of clothing – my SAS sweat pants. L Oh well, what ya going to do. It could have been much worse.

Five days . . . I’m sad. Everyone is getting crabby. I have so much to do. Today is a study day. The next two days are finals and then two days for packing. In between I need to get everyone’s pictures from the last 95 days. We’re really leaving. This is the end . . .

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