Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

7 More Days . . . Aloha!!!

Well, I just finished my forth and last Global Studies exam. Considering that I really didn’t end up doing very much studying and I missed several lectures, the test seemed really easy. I guess we’ll see when the grades are posted this afternoon. We also had to fill out evaluations for Global Studies and for the entire voyage. That’s really pretty sad.

I had a lovely day yesterday after Global Studies. I spent the entire day laying out on the pool deck alternating between napping, reading for pleasure, and reading Global Studies articles. I was out there from about 10:30 a.m. until around 4 p.m., with just a short break for lunch. The weather was beautiful. It was a little chilly in the morning, but in the afternoon, it was perfectly warm and sunny with a nice breeze. Lunch and dinner were really good. Lunch was a great salad bar including bacon bits and sweet pickles, hot dogs, hamburgers, fries, and apple cobbler for dessert. Dinner was tacos, chips and salsa, and tomato soup with rum raison ice cream for dessert. I ate so much yesterday.

In the evening we had a Hawaii pre-port lecture. Guess what? The local currency in Hawaii is U.S. dollars and they speak English there! Haha. Then, we had the big Global Studies review session at 9. I was so tired that I ended up just watching from my cabin. Then, I went to bed around 10. Besides waking up in a panic thinking that I was late at 11:30, I pretty much slept through the night. I wanted to get up at 6 a.m. and start studying, but I didn’t make it up until 7:30.

Anyways, the exam is over now and today is my last B day, besides finals. Unfortunately, that means that I have class until 2 p.m. Boo. I really want to go out and enjoy the weather. I have to go since I missed last B day to sleep. I’m going to throw on my swim suit so that I can go right outside after my last class. We will be pulling into Hawaii at 5 p.m. tonight and will be getting off some time after face to face interviews with customs. We are told this will be our most difficult port to get into. Go figure. I’m just planning to go out to some bars with some friends tonight. Tomorrow I might go to Pearl Harbor if it works out, otherwise the plan is just to hang out and get some sun and good Hawaiian food and drinks. On-ship time is 10 p.m. tomorrow night and we’re sailing at 10:30. That’s cutting it close, but they wanted to give us as much time as possible in Hawaii.

P.S. My phone should work in Hawaii. So, if you want, you can try to call me while I’m there!!!

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