Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

In and Out . . .

Just a little update . . . Things are going ok here. It's still really weird not only coming home from the most crazy, amazing time ever, but coming home to a place (physical and mental) much different than the one I left. When I left I was living a very fast paced, "city" lifestyle -working my ass off working more than full time and going to school full time, living in my apartment downtown with my two awesome roommates, partying it up downtown constantly, and had a boyfriend. Now, I'm on a much slower path just hanging out in my childhood room, shopping, and visiting people. Now these changes are all changes that I conciously chose and I think will work out for the better in the long run, but for now, they are strange and only make adjusting into real life more difficult because I'm not in my old real life or even my new real life. I'm in my intermitten (between SAS and Argentina) real life. So, I keep fluttering in and out of the real world. Sometimes I'm perfectly fine and enjoying being home. Other times I'm just completely listless and don't know what to do with myself. I haven't been able to concentrate on actually getting things accomplished - unpacking, doing Christmas cards, planning moving my stuff. But that's ok. What needs to get done will get done.

I have done some productive things this week. I went out with a couple friends. I saw a movie and had dinner with my cousin. I went to school and talked to my study abroad counselor and financial aid counselor about Argentina. I got my loans all figured out. And, I decided that I'm going to stick with the shorter program that goes from early February til early May. That way I can come home and do graduation in May. I don't really know that I wanted to put five months into the program. I e-mailed the head of the language department at my school to figure out if I'll be able to do something to get a Spanish minor out of my program. She said that we can discuss it once she's back on campus in mid-January. The only other things that I need to handle are my student visa (of which I have all the paperwork ready to mail tomorrow) and booking my flight (I've been uncertain on the dates I should choose). I also picked up a "learn Spanish" set at the library today. So, maybe I'll do something with that.

Lets see, what else . . . oh, here's something funny. I actually received a revised offer letter from the company that I was suposed to start with in January that is defering my start date until September. My starting salary is actually a few thousand dollars higher now. I thought that was pretty cool! They also sent me a little Christmas gift. I thought that was great.

So, that's what I've been up to. There has been some concern over my last posting. And, I didn't want you all to think that I was freakishly depressed or anything. From talking to my other SAS friends, it seems like everyone else is having the same kinds of highs and lows, in and outs of reality. It seems fairly normal. I've had some alumne e-mail me and tell me that they didn't unpack for months afterward.

Anyways, I'll survive, and before I know it, I'll be sitting on the beach in Buenos Aires. And when I get back in May, who knows . . . I have until September to play. Europe maybe? Start doing my CPA review? My SAS around the U.S. road trip? Then in September, it will be time to go through this readjusting all again, but this time it will be in my new real life, not my interim real life . . .

Ok, I'm getting a little silly now . . .

I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season. I imagine that I'll write before Christmas, but if not, have a fabulous, joyous holiday.


At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Amber, I never threw away a green sheet or anything similar from Fall 1999 until we began to get ready for Fall 2002 and I realized that I could not go on keeping all of this count me in with that friend of yours who never unpacked.

Gretchen F99, F02, F04


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