Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Monday, December 12, 2005


Well, I've been back in Chicago for about 24 hours now. Last night I spent some time with my dad and just hung out. My teeth were killing me all night. My car doors were frozen shut and once we finally got them open, my car needed to be jumped. I slept until around 1 this afternoon and then I got up and went to the dentist. I was really nervous about what he was going to say. Luckily, it turned out that it was just my wisdom tooth. He numbed the shit out of it, yanked it out, charged me the "poor college student" bargain price of $150, and sent me on my way with a prescription for vikadin. Then, I came back to my mom's, and I've been working on cleaning everyone else’s stuff out of my old bedroom and unpacking some of the stuff that I had stored here. I'm hoping to get my room to a comfortable level tonight and then start visiting people tomorrow. I'm seeing Matt tomorrow night and my roomies on Sunday. I'll move my stuff out of my apartment some time next week. And, I have tons of stuff to get in order for Argentina.

So far, things seem strangely normal at home. It's as if I only left for a week. But, then, I haven't been too many places or seen too many people yet. I've also been busy with my teeth, car, and bedroom. I can already tell that this "living at home thing" is going to drive me nuts very soon. I miss my pretty apartment with the gorgeous city views and bullshitting with my fun roomies. Good thing I'm off to Argentina soon.

Well, that was just a little update. I'll drop in again soon!

Until then, enjoy the holiday season!

So far, things seem strangely normal at home. It's as if I only left for a week. But, then, I haven't been too many places or seen too many people yet. I've also been busy with my teeth, car, and bedroom. I can already tell that this "living at home thing" is going to drive me nuts very soon. I miss my pretty apartment with the georgous city views and bullshitting with my fun roommies. Good thing I'm off to Argentina soon.

Well, that was just a little update. I'll drop in again soon!

Until then, enjoy the holiday season!


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