Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Goodbye Buenos Aires . . .

Well, I'm finally leaving Buenos Aires, almost for good this time (have to come back to fly out). The last two days have been POURING. It would be very very cozy to sit inside and read a book, but unfortunatly, I have doing alot of last minute running. I got quite a bit accomplished. I saw a few friends, but not everyone I was hoping to. Such is life . . . There's just never enough time. It's been sad. I think about my friends who have left. And, anything I do or anywhere I go, I think about how it will probably be the last time I do or see it and I question whether I've gotten the most out of my time here. I know that's a bad attitude. I had a nice day with a couple friends, so I'm in good spirits right now.

They are letting me leave all my excess luggage at the hostel, which is fabulous. I was really looking forward to repacking and traveling light. However, I still managed to pack too much to carry. I don't know how I do it. I'm going to look for a bigger bag at the bus station. Well, my bus is off in less than 2 hours. I'm going to meet the boys in Cordoba. And, then Seb and I will meet in Chile on Thursday.

Well, here's to another overnight bus ride . . .


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