Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Had a fantastic day yesterday! Seb, Jon, Leona, and I took a steep climb up to the top of a mountain right in the city to see some fantastic inka ruins. They were really, unexpectedly fabulous. The stones they are made out of are huge and supposedly 300 tons a piece. They are so heavy and well planned that there is no need for any type of mortar between them to hold them together. It´s amazing considering that the inkas would have had to lug all these stones up a steep mountain.

We had a guide who took us through the ruins and showed us the tunnels, glacial remnants, and bizzarely shapped natural rock formations. It was really interesting. After the ruins I saw in Cococabana, I expected to be disappointed. Anyways, there are three other ruins around the area. And, we paid about 8 dollars a piece to take horses out to them. The other ruins were pretty inconsequental, but it was fun taking the horses around. We even stopped for a picnic.

At the end, we walked back to the city, had a drink and a rest, and then met out for dinner. As usual, we all had a fab time together laughing and taking the piss out of each other. Then, we went to a few lounges-clubs. We were all pretty tired since we´d been up early for the England game, so we ended up calling it a very early night before 3.

It was a great day. Today, is the end of the line. Jon and Leona are heading off on the Inka trail and Seb and I are making our own plans. So, we will probably have a day of planning and preparing and meet up for lunch or dinner. I have some thoughts in the works that I will write about once I have them sorted.


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