Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Machu Picchu . . . My Version of the Inka Trail . . .

My trip to Machu Picchu was amazing!!! On Tuesday afternoon, I took a cab for about an hour to a town called Urubamba where I transferred to another cab and drove for another 15 minutes up to Ollantaytambo, where I needed to catch the train (as there are no more roads) up to Machu Picchu (or Agua Callientes).

I arrived in the town a couple of hours early. It was a really nice little town butted up directly to tall mountains, with some ruins illuminated in the background. It turned out that I was there on a good day as it was a holiday to celebrate the sun god. There was a constant parade, dancing, and partying in the main square. It was really cool. I sat in the square and ate bread, cheese, olives, and chocolate and watched the activity. Then, after a quick beer near the train station, got onto the train.

Unfortunatly, it was dark when we left, so I wasn´t able to see the scenery on the way up. So, I pretty much slept for the hour and a half ride up. I arrived in Agua Calientes at around 10 p.m. I found a cheap, basic hostel and then headed out for dinner. The town was very very nice. I really enjoyed it. I expected something very basic and expensive like San Pedro. But, it was so much nicer. The bars, restaurants, and hostels were all really nice looking, the roads were pretty cobble stone, and there was a pretty square. The weather was amazingly warm, even at night. And, of course, the sourounding mountains and stream that ran through town, were lovely.

For some reason, even though there are loads of nice bars and restaurants, they were practically empty at 10 pm. So, Seb and I had a bite to eat and some Sangria and asked around about how to get to Machu Picchu in the morning. Then, it was early to bed.

Machu Picchu - From Frommers
The Incas hid Machu Picchu so high in the clouds that it escaped destruction by the empire-raiding Spaniards, who never found it. It is no longer lost, of course -- Machu Picchu retains its perhaps unequaled aura of mystery and magic. No longer overgrown with brush, as it was when it was rediscovered in 1911 by the Yale archaeologist and historian Hiram Bingham with the aid of a local farmer who knew of its existence, from below it is still totally hidden from view. The majestic setting the Incas chose for it remains unchanged: The ruins are nestled in almost brooding Andes mountains and are frequently swathed in mist. When the early morning sun rises over the peaks and methodically illuminates the ruins row by row of granite stones, Machu Picchu leaves visitors as awestruck as ever.

The next morning, I was up at 430 in order to make it to Machu Picchu for sunrise. I was going to try to walk, but I was afraid I wouldn´t make it in time. So, Seb walked, but I took the bus. I was on the first bus to arrive at the site. So, I was one of the first in the gate. It was so foggy that there was no sunrise to be seen. But, I think that the fog surrounding the oddly shapped mountains and huge complex of ruins was better than any sunrise. It was amazing. I have never seen ruins that even come close to the enormity or splendor of Machu Picchu. I spent the full day exploring and hiking. I brought some food, so I spent several hours just sitting among the ruins having a picnic and taking in the scenery. I didn´t leave until closing time at 5 p.m.

When I got back into town, I walked up to the hot springs. I was expecting a little pond with warm water. Wow, was I wrong! This was a paradise. It was in a beautiful complex with tropical plants and rope bridges. The hot springs were actually filtered into pools that looked like fancy hot tubs. There were about 8 different pools of different shapes and sizes. They were all filled with mineral waters, and small natural stones along the bottom. On top of that, they had a full bar and the waitors would bring you drinks to the pools. There were even showers and changing rooms. It was heavenly. I stayed there for a couple hours until they kicked us out. Then, I had a bit of dinner and off to bed.

Up again at 430 to catch my 540 train - an hour and a half by train, and hour by bus. I´m back in Cusco now. Jon and Leona are coming in tonight, so I´m sure we will all meet up tonight. I think that Seb and I are going to head to Lima next.

I´ll post some pics when I can!


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