Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Not too much to tell about yesterday or today. Pretty much just walked around Cusco, ate, and made plans for heading to Machu Picchu. Taking a bus about two hours to a town where we´ll grab the train up to Agua Caliantes, which is the base town at the foot of the ruins. Will be at Machu Picchu for sunrise if all goes well. Went to the food market and got bread, cheese, tomatos, olives, strawberries, apples, chocolate, wine, coke, and water to snack on for the next couple days. I just loved buying things from the market! It made me feel very ¨local¨. Anyways, will be back in Cusco on Thursday morning. Not sure where exactly after . . .


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