Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Spent yesterday at the hospital with Seb. Turns out that he had Bronchitas. The doctor loaded him with meds and fed him through a tube (since he wasn´t able to eat anything). It was quite interesting spending hours upon hours in a Chilean hospital. We were definitely the only tourists there. This one man (who was waiting for his wife) took pitty on me and kept sending his little daughter over with food and drinks for me. It was so kind.

So, today . . . we went to see a man about a boat. That is, we went to see a captain about possibly joining his sailing school. I saw the ad for the trip in San Pedro, then again in Cusco. In Cusco we contacted the Captain for more information about the trip. Here is the text of the email we received:

Hello, Thank you for your mail and enquiries. The DISCOVERY SAILING ACADEMY is a privately owned School Ship,we follow a very comprehensive International syllabus of the English speaking world for our sail training program. Please find below further relevant details. OUR GOALS are to help you learn how to manage a ship, healthy living, respect for others and self discipline on the high seas. These challenges will be balanced with a relaxed atmosphere of watching and filming whales, dolphins, turtles and oceanic birds. Sundowners and music will soothe the soul and sore muscles at the end of each sailing day. The camaraderie of the sea! OUR VOYAGES take us to Galapagos and Easter Island, Robinson Crusoe, Pitcairn, Tahiti, the Marquesas, Hawaii, Canada and Alaska, returning to Cape Horn via Mexico and Costa Rica. And there is always plenty of time to explore each destination. FOR EACH JOURNEY we like to bring together a group of people who have never done any offshore sailing before. They will relish the challenge of trying one of the very first means of transport to reach destinations of historical, ecological and physical interest while learning how to sail at a professional level. DISCOVERY SAILING ACADEMY is a civilian run school vessel which follows the old routes used by clippers and whaling ships from Alaska to Cape Horn. By the end of each journey of around 3 ooo Nautical Miles you will have been trained from Deck Hand to Costal Skipper and ultimately achieve the level of Yachtmaster Offshore. Our promise is that you will become very proficient as all instruction given is “hands on”. OUR WAY OF SAILING encourages people to participate in all aspect of boat life from both the serious side: - helmsmanship – sail handling – watch keeping – navigation – meteorology – use of instruments – radio telephony – mooring – anchoring and the lighter side: using toilets, cooking and walking while the ship heels sometimes at 30 degrees. Cocktails and gourmet dinners are seldom part of it but we try our best. When lucky we can serve a variety of fish dishes fresh from the sea caught by our trawling lines. AN OCEAN GOING SAILING VESSEL is like a totally self-contained floating little town with the cook, the mechanic, the doctor and the teacher. With eight crew she has a comfortable capability of sailing for 3 months with an ample supply of food, water, gas, fuels, electricity, medicines and spare parts. THE SHIP IS A Bruce Roberts 45 FOOT CUTTER. Custom built of both reinforced marine grade steel and stainless steel, she is a solid vessel capable of enduring virtually any sea, ice floe and wind conditions. As safety is our primary concern, all the systems onboard are built efficiently, tough and simple to operate with multiple backups. She has now sailed with students the equivalent distance of seven global circumnavigations. She’s a well-found and well-proven ship. WHEN YOU SAIL WITH US on one of your adventures, one things is for certain, you will do and see things of wonder, you will learn much more about yourself than you thought possible and you will never be the same again. Beginners are preferred, being fit is important. THE FULFILMENT OF EACH VOYAGE culminates in the sighting of one of our Island destinations on the horizon and your excitement in exploring it at your discretion. We carry 2 inflatables . We can offer 3 to 5 day tours to the most remote areas where no tourist goes, leaving wildlife and flora undisturbed in breath-taking landscapes. Also day hikes,or snorkelling sorties are available.

- Our next voyage will leave Chile -Valparaiso for Galapagos and mainland Ecuador.

Details of itinerary
- 01 July 06 Meeting of the whole crew in Valparaiso.Chile
- 05 July departure after 4 days orientation period.
- 28 July approx arrive Galapagos-San Cristobal island after advance training to Yachtmaster Offshore level.
- 04 August depart Galapagos after a 7 days visit.
-14 August approx arrive Guayaquil- Ecuador after 3 examinations carried out on the High Seas.
Approximately a voyage of 45 days and 3 000 nautical miles or 5800 kilometers. Fees are 3500 Euros and include the following:
- All onboard living expenses from anchor up Chile to anchor down Ecuador mainland.
- Landing fees Galapagos-Ecuador.
- National park fees Galapagos Archipelelago.
- Use of personal safety harness for duration of voyage.
- All tuition to YACHTMASTER OFFSHORE LEVEL.Theory and practice.
- 3 Examinations: Practical-Oral-Written. - If pass,issue of Yachtmaster Offshore certificate.
It Excludes: - Touring costs while on land. - Tuition books,tools and writing materials. - Personal equipment.See list attached.

I would like to add that I created this school on the Oceans 10 years ago as a strictly non profit concern and after extensive personal training. I am totally independent,have no sponsors or agencies to dictate who sails with me ,and as to when only the seasons rule my departure dates. .I prefer to interview each applicant in person and after a presentation of my vessel and the activities on board we both decide whether to sail together or not. Basically to be the right stuff for this skipper training programm you must have a good blend of courage and discipline,time to spare and money that you have earned yourself . The fee charged is precisely what it costs me to have you on board in wear and tear,maintenance ,tuition , fuels and food. It represents about one fifth of what it would cost you to do the same comercially.

My aim is to train you up to a professional standard so that by the end of each voyage we can all sail the vessel as a competent team. Towards end of voyage you sit the exams as setby the SAILING ACADEMY, if you pass you will be awarded a CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCE AS YACHTMASTER OFFSHORE which will enable you to seek employment as a charter skipper anywhere but typically in the MED,CARIBBEAN or simply to buy a yacht and sail it around the world with confidence. Please find attached list of typical equipment needed over what you normally carry in your backpack: ... Good water proof jacket and pants as for skiing ... Fingerless sailing gloves or biking ...Deck shoes ...Woollen hat and ski socks,good sweater ...2 pairs of sunglasses ...2 cotton full jogging suits with hood ...wristwatch with illuminator- ...Pocket binoculars ...medium flashlight- approx 20 centimeters long ...rectangular zip around sleeping bag,2 sheets ...2 bedsheets-1 smal pillow ...sunblock and chap stick ...60 tabs multivitamins good quality ...2 packs seasickness pills ...1 general course antibiotics ...personnal medicines,non addictive -Optional but recomended ...discman and 3 sets of batteries many cd's as you like ...diving mask and snorkel ...books
Max luggage allowed: 1 rucksack and a sleeping bag I provide a life harness and jacket for the duration of the voyage -Pocket money: Advisable is :3oo usd or Euros approx in small denominationsfor t.shirts,drinks,taxis,horse rides,restaurants etc.This is because bank machines are often out of cash on the islands. If you wish to come for a visit of the ship and to meet us ,please call

Seb was also intersted, so we both contacted Rob. We got on well and he suggested that we come down to Chile to meet and check out the boat. So, here we are. And, today, we spent about 4 hours with Rob and his girlfriend Anna Marie on his sailboat.

This is not going to be a party cruise. It is hard core set up to learn how to sail. I never really thought about learning to sail, but I have always loved the ocean. So, why not! So, Seb and I are going to meet Rob tomorrow to pay our deposits. Then, I´m going to head back to Buenos Aires to staighten out my business and say goodbye to my friends who are left. Then back here to start my next adventure!!!

Sorry dad, returning date pushed back . . . yet again . . .


At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will you be able to post entries in your blog during the voyage?


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