Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Back in Argentina . . .

Well I finally made it back to Argentina. After a 14 hour bus trip yesterday, I finally arrived in Mendoza (never thought I´d be back here). Back to warm showers. Nice hostels. Friendly people. The vos form of Spanish. Cleanliness. Ham. Nice Restaurants. McDonalds. Good service. Cell phone reception. It´s good to be back.

Just going to relax for a day or so and then make the final leg back to Bs As. I´m really nervous about going back. I have alot to do in a couple of days to prepare for my big sailing adventure!


At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i left you an email, but if you check this first, i am flying into BA on June 21st at 9:20am from Houston (continental flight 51). Try and be there ;-)


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