Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Back in Bs As!!!

Hola! After 5 weeks, four countries, and over 100 hours on buses, I finally made it back to Buenos Aires with a purse full of mixed change and considerably more luggage than I left with. The bus from Mendoza was nice except that it was really really hot over night and there was no water anywhere in sight. Besides that though, the seats were nice, no one sat next to me, they played a good movie (in English), served a nice dinner, and there was TP in the toilet. So, all in all, it wasn't terrible.

I was really nervous about seeing what I was returning to in Bs As . . . I really wasn't sure that my things would still be as I left them in my room since I hadn't yet paid my rent for the month. I was also afraid that it would be too sad here since so many of my friends have now gone.

I had mixed feelings coming into the city. I expected everything to be so farmiliar and some of it was, but I also had this overwhelming sense that I hadn't seen nearly all there is to see of Bs As. I arrived at 830 a.m. and took a cab to my residencia. I actually forgot the address, so I had to tell the driver to drop me at the street corner.

Luckily, all my things were just as I left them. I really wasn't sure what to do. I could stay for a few days and pay for a full month at the residencia, or I could leave and just stay at a hostel for a few days. As it turns out, Joey, a SAS friend, was just arriving in Bs As with his friends at the same time that I was. So, he called my cell phone about half an hour after I got to the residencia and arranged to come by to see me and drop their things at mine (which was in limbo) until they decided what to do. So, I just went ahead and started packing my things. I had this imaginary idea that I might be able to ship my things home so I didn't have to bother storing them. HAHAHA. I can't believe how much stuff I have. I don't feel like I've bought a ton, but somehow, I've accumulated a shitload of stuff.

By the time the boys arrived, I had most of my things packed up. We went and checked out the hostel right on my corner. It was surprisingly nice, so we took a room for the five of us and moved my things and theirs from my place. I was trying to be really under the wire because it was grey whether I should pay for the month of June or not, so I was trying to be quick and get out of there before anyone noticed.

I had a great day/night with the guys. They are all really chill and lots of fun. We started at 3 by heading to a bar to watch the Argentina/Sweden game. I knew that I was going to like these guys when they ordered a three part shot (with Tequilla) for all five of us right off the bat. Way to get things started!!! After the game, we headed back to the hostel to get changed and showered for dinner. Then, we headed to Las Canitas. My friend Lisa came out to meet us. And, we had a really nice steak dinner with three bottles of wine between us. Then, we headed to Jackie Os for some pool and more drinks. Lisa and I were reminicing over all the good times we'd spent there and it occurred to us that it will probably be the last time that either of us ever go there. So sad . . . I guess I really thought I was living here. I've become very comfortable thinking that my Bs As really is my city. Lots of shots and Long Islands later, we headed to Plaza Serano for a final drink. Then, we walked back to the hostel where we got a little roudy for a little while, Lisa puked, and we all eventually passed out.

The next morning, Brandon went out and bought stuff to make for breakfast. So we had some nice sausage, eggs, pastries, and orange juice. We didn't have glasses or plates (not sure why since the hostel had them), so we just had platters of food and gallons of juice and just dug in with 5 seperate forks. It was really fun and satisfying. Another bad start to my diet. Every night after I've stuffed myself with food and drinks I say, "tomorrow I'm going on a diet." It never quite happens.

Anyways, the guys have just left. I wish they would have stayed in Bs As for a few days so I could have shown them around. But, they are off to Rosaria and then I'm going to meet up with them in Cordoba in a few days. It's going to be hard to drag myself away from this hostel. I REALLY like it here. The room itself is nothing special (although it is warm, clean, and comfortable). But, the common areas and the atmosphere are fabulous. The main common room is right out of Starbucks. It's very clean, stylish, and comfortable with tables, chairs, couches, bean bag chairs, a big tv, new computers, and a nice (fully stocked) bar. There is even wireless (which is enough to keep me here forever). There is also another nice living room. The bathrooms, while not in the room, are individual, private rooms with warm water. And, there is a nice, large, rooftop area. The breakfast too is really nice - orange juice, milk, tea, bread, butter, jam, and cereal. It's definitely much better than the average hostel. The atmosphere too is really good. It's full and lively, but in a nice, sophisticated, comfortable way. And, I like that it's right down the street from the residencia. With all the changes, it's nice to be in a farmiliar neighborhood.

Anyways, I have alot of arrangements to make and people to say goodbye to while I'm in town. So, I'm going to get started today . . .


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