Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Hola! Just a quick note to say hello and that I´m alive and well (contrary to my father´s deepest fear)! Been having a fabulous time. Classes are good. I´m learning . . . . slowly. Been hanging with my new friends. Everyone is awesome! Had a fabulous day at the salon on Thursday. Spent four hours getting my hair colored and highlighted, manicure, pedicure, waxing, blow out all for $107 pesos (or $33). Have seen Ben a bit. We had dinner on the harbor Thursday (finally got to wear that special Ärgentina dress I´d been saving), and he took me outside the city today to his club where we lounged by the pool and he helped me study my Spanish. Things are going perfectly! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE life here! I will write more later. But for now, it´s Saturday night!!!


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