Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

At Home . . . In Fabulous Buenos Aires . . .


Spent the day wandering and shopping. Got the cutest ever silver strappy heals with leg ties. Then at around four I said goodbye to Hostel Del Sur and trekked (by twenty minute cab) to the neighborhood of Belgrano where I will be living and going to school.

I’ve been a bit nervous that I was going to feel regulated and smothered living with a host family. But, my apartment, room, and host mom are lovely. Absolutely lovely. The apartment is on the eleventh floor of a large apartment building. It’s rather small by U.S. standards, but it’s very nice. My room is very comfortable. Everything in it is new just for me. I have a nice little bed, armoire, bookshelf, desk that faces the open window (drapped in lace curtains), TV, full length mirror, and chair. The best part about the room is the window. It faces lots of pretty buildings and lets in the faint sounds of the city and a gorgeous breeze. Then we share a living room, kitchen, and bathroom.

My host mom is really cool. She’s probably in her late 50’s, but she has a daughter in her early 30’s still in school working on her doctorate. She’s such an interesting woman. She worked for a bank for many years and, has lived in seven different countries for her work and knows many languages. I really think that I’m going to learn a ton from her and I think the “regulation” will be very minimal and the bit that is there will probably be for my own good.

She is going to push me to learn Spanish. Already she speaks to me in both Spanish and English and insists that I try to form sentences. I was a bit worried that I would be expected to be here to eat with her every morning and evening as breakfast and dinner is included. However, it’s not going to be like that at all. She’s giving me open access to the kitchen for breakfast. Then for dinner she will make something and I can eat whenever I want. She’s also very into eating healthy and natural foods. So, that is right up my alley, and hopefully, I will lose some of that traveling weight. I get to eat in my room. I have a little tray to carry my food from the kitchen into my room. It’s all perfect. And, maid is going to come in each week to clean and do my laundry.

I was really worried and almost asked to be changed to a residence hall. That would have been so awful because this woman has put so much effort into my coming. And, I think that overall it’s going to be fabulous. I’ve already picked up a lot more about Latin American culture in one afternoon than I have in all my time spent here combined.

For dinner she made me salad, turkey, and pears. It was really good and she arranged it on the plate and seasoned it all so nicely. And, I know it was so good for me too!!!

Oh, and the best thing. I set up my computer on my desk to listen to music while I got ready for my desk, and low and behold, I am somehow connected to a wireless internet network!!! That was just the icing on the cake.

Now, I’m just waiting for my hair to dry so I can do it all cute. I have on a darling outfit – half of it bought in BA, including those darling silver heels. Ben is coming by for me at ten. We’re doing dessert and drinks! I’m so excited!

Tomorrow, I have a full day orientation at the University which is about three blocks away. Then, I assume I’ll go out with other students at night. Randomly, a friend in Chile for the semester is coming into town tomorrow night. So, I’ll be partying with him tomorrow night, which is awesome!!!

Anyways, have to go finished getting ready. Just wanted to update before too much more had occurred.


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