Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

18 Days to go . . .

Ok, so I get an e-mail from my CEA study abroad counsellor today. Here's how it starts . . .

Hi Everyone!!!
So, are you all packed?!!

What? Haha. Packed? I haven't even thought nearly that far yet. I really can't believe it's coming up so quickly.

I've been having some trouble with getting my student visa. Apparently you have to be on a list that the Argentina Consolate in Argentina wires to your local office. Well, apparently this hasn't yet been done. So, supposedly, we're supposed to be on the list next week. But, as it turns out, we are now being persuaded not to bother with the student visa. As long as we pass in and out of the country (which can be easily accomplished) before 90 days, that will give us another 90 days in the country. After I spent all that money fedexing my darn passport to the consulate, I'd better get that visa. If nothing else, just to decorate my passport.

We were also given our housing assignments today. They really didn't say much - just the names and address of our family. It looks like I might be living with just one person, a woman I hope, or maybe a hot Latin American man (kidding dad). I was kind of hoping to live with some kids my own age, but I'm not going to worry about it since I haven't even seen where I'll be . . . I'll be in Buenos Aires. I'm sure I will be able to suffer through whatever the arrangements are *wink*. That's something that's much different than SAS. I really knew pretty much what to expect with my living arrangements on the ship. This is so different. I'm actually going to have to leave the building that I live in and figure out public transportation to get to school. Bizare . . . Well, if it doesn't work out, I'll just find some hot latin man to shack up with (again, seriously kidding dad).

Now, back to this packing list. This is the suggested clothing list that CEA sent.

_____ Pajamas
_____ Lightweight robe
_____ Slippers/shower shoes (most floors are tiled, not carpeted)
_____ 2 pairs of jeans
_____ 2 pairs of slacks
_____ 2 nice outfits (skirts, dresses, or nice pants)
_____ 4 Short sleeve shirts/blouses
_____ 2 Long sleeve shirts/sweaters
_____ All purpose jacket
_____ Bathing suit and beach towel
_____ 1 pair comfortable walking shoes
_____ 1 pair nice shoes (Note, most clubs will not let you in with sneakers.)
_____ 1 pair sandals/Tevas/Birkenstocks

Ok, yes, I do think this might be a smart wardrobe if you were going to be backpacking. However, I cannot imagine that any student in the city they call "the Paris of Latin America" is going to be wearing the same four shirts for and two pairs of jeans day in and day out for three months. If you remember right, I felt that I underpacked in the clothes department for SAS. I'm not planning to pack heavy. But, I'm definitely bringing more than four every day shirts. I guess I really should get going on this packing junk . . .

As for what I've been doing the last few days - mostly just hanging out. I finished reading Harry Potter and started on another book that I got for Christmas. It's dawned on me that I really don't have much time left here, so I've been trying to make dates with everyone I haven't seen or haven't seen enough. My next 18 days are filling up quickly. Still not feeling terrific, but I'm perservering and trying the kill the germs with liquor every chance I have. *wink*

Even though there are people I'd like to see and things I'd like to do, I am ready to get on the move again. I feel all the great things that I think I've added to my personality starting to drain in my hummm drummm life. I see old parts of myself that I thought I'd moved beyond starting to creep up. I think that it's just due to having no real purpose and having such a drastic change in pace recently. I need to get back traveling to bring my best self back out. After all, that's where I am happiest . . . on the road . . .

Tah tah for now! Keep your fingers crossed on the visa for me!


At 4:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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