Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Another week . . .

So, another week has gone by. It seems like I haven't done anything, but that's not true. I've actually done quite a bit this week.

Let's see . . .
Sunday - had my brother's family birthday party; visited with my relatives
Monday - went out to dinner and a movie for my brother's birthday
Tuesday - got a new cell phone; went to school and took care of some things there; visited my dad and grandma and had dinner with them
Wednesday - went downtown for a lunch with my recruiter at the accounting firm I'm starting with in the fall; visited with some relatives and a new member of our family from Vietnam until late in the evening/early in the morning
Thursday - watched Days of Our Lives; went to school and worked out; went out with some friends/cousins for Thirsty Thursday and partied til 4 a.m.

So, that's my week in a nut shell thus far. It's been an nice week - a good combination of just chilling, accomplishing things, and fun. I still can't go to sleep before two or three in the morning. I tried with all my might to go to bed at midnight on Tuesday night since I had that meeting on Wednesday. But, it didn't happen. I didn't go to sleep until around 3. Then, when my alarm went off at 8 a.m., I remembered why it was so great being able to sleep as late as you want. I guess I'm not in such a rush to end this time anymore. I've kind of decided to stop worrying that I'm not making enough use of it and just embrace the slower pace again.

I don't have any big plans for the weekend, but I'm sure it will fill up fast. I'm going to take my brother and his friends to the mall today, work out, and get together for dinner, etc. with someone tonight. My focus for the next three weeks until I leave is to get myself in better shape, spend more quality time with more people, and read more.

So, that's what's going on here . . .

I hope everyone has a nice weekend!!!


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