Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Boredom Is Setting In . . .

The holidays are done. I've visited with people. What now??? I can't imagine sitting around here for another 27 days. I also can't really establish myself since I'm not here for long enough. So, I'm just kind of hanging out waiting for the next big thing . . . What ever will I do with my time? I hate wasting it. Once I start working again, when will I have another month to do whatever I want??? I also have developed complete ADD (well, that kind of happened at the beginning of SAS). I can't sit still enough to concentrate on something like watching T.V. (can you believe that the only T.V. I've watched since I've been home for over three weeks has been a couple of episoids of Days of Our Lives), reading a book (still working on Angels and Demons), or even e-mailing my SAS friends. I feel like I should do something big with my time. I'm feeling really restless to get going again . . . If anyone has any suggestions, please forward them on . . .


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