Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Only Three Weeks Left!!!

Since it's technically Monday, January 9th, I am leaving for Argentina in three weeks from today!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I can't believe how fast the time is going. I've accomplished alot, and yet, there is still so much more that I want to do before I leave. I feel all the "I should have done this and that with the month I've already been here" anxiety coming up lately. But, I dispel it quickly and take action to accomplish something more. That is something that I've been noticing I've gained thus far in this process of travel and enlightenment. I have so much less anxiety and concern for perfectionism and control. And, I love that. It's something I've always struggled with. And, it was one of things that I hoped to overcome with this journey.

I had a fairly relaxing weekend. I went out a bit. But mostly I bummed around. I finished reading Angels & Demons and am 300 pages into Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince which I have been saving to treat myself with forever. I also really dug into organizing my bedroom so that it's in good shape to leave for three months unattended. Wow, will it be nice to come home to a bed and a room this time. I've been a little sick, but I hope it will pass and move on.

I did do something simply remarkable on Saturday evening. And, I'm not afraid to publicize it for everyone to read. And, I'm also not afraid to be impressed with myself. I'd be impressed with you if you did it! I went to the movies by myself. Yep. And, I'm really proud of myself and think I'm just fabulous for it. I didn't feel well, didn't particularly feel like doing something big or having to talk to anyone, but I wanted to get out of the house for a little while. So, I went and saw Cassanova and got myself a kiddie popcorn and a diet coke. It was very freeing and a total step in my newly single young woman life. I knew I had people to call to go out with. But, I just wanted to do something on my own. And, even though it was Saturday night, and I'm "supposed" to be doing something big, I am totally happy with my decision. And, guess what, there was a really cute girl maybe a couple of years older than me at the most, sitting by herself in the row right in front of me a couple seats over. Anyways, I wouldn't have done it any other way. It was fabulous!!!

*I'm sure you have all noticed the change in the title of the blog from "Amber's Semester at Sea" to the current title above
*I am also in the process of putting my pictures under the SAS Pictures link. This is part of my "OMG, I have to leave for Argentina soon" ambition. I have alot done. I will have alot more soon. They will all be up before I leave on the 30th.
*I am now allowing comments at the bottom of my entries. For a long time, I disabled this feature at the end of my entries. You are free to leave comments by clicking on the comments link at the end of each entry if you'd like.


At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Amber, Your blog is the greatest! I'm John S73 , F74 alumni. I have found coolest trinket ever, it's a paper stand that has a world globe in it, I have given some to other SASers and would like to give one to you. My e-mail address is Cheers John


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