Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

12 days to go . . .

Ahhhhhh . . . Where has the time gone? I'm no closer to packing or getting back my passport from the Argentinian consulate then I was when I wrote last. Haven't quite finished the things that I need to finish at school. Haven't started working out. Just been spending my time sleeping, drinking, and partying pretty much. Well, I did finish three books last week, so I guess that was something (Angel's and Demons, Harry Potter, and The Constant Princess). I've tried on the packing a bit, but it's overwhelming. Still having a bit of a hard time with the being newly single part of my life. Quote of the day - Should I smile because we are friends or should I cry because I know that's all we will ever be? I miss my relationship alot, and it's still hard. If you can't tell, my attitude is a little on the glum side today. Well, I'll cheer up soon enough. I've really been generally having a fabulous time since I've been home. I just seem to write when I'm feeling bad. I don't think I'm going to go out tonight (although I was asked on a date tonight-turned it down-but at least I was asked-It's a good start in the right direction), but probably tomorrow and then I'm going to visit my SAS friend at school this weekend, which will probably be the perfect medicine for me. Time is flying! I'll update again soon.


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